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Natascha is available for webinars, workshops, and organizational training on a variety of topics including but not limited to: dismantling ableism, neurodiversity affirming services, and FASD.
Please email to discuss your education needs.
To learn more about Natascha's previous presentations and workshops, please check out the FASD Counselling webpage.
FASD is estimated to affect 4-5% of the general population. It is the leading cause of developmental disability around the world. It affects more than autism, cerebral palsy, spina bifeda, and SIDS combined
It is estimated that 80-97% of those diagnosed with FASD will also get diagnosed with a commordid mental health condition
Although there is a plethora of research on the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure and emerging evidence on outcomes for individuals with FASD, there are many myths and misconceptions prevalent.
There is a significant stigma for women who struggle with addiction, particularly during pregnancy and for their children. No one woman drinks or uses substances to harm their child. Individuals and families affected by FASD deserve FASD specific supports and services.
There is limited formal education for health professionals provided on FASD and how to work with this population.
Sign up to hear from us about our course offerings starting in 2021